6 Practical Questions to Ask on Your First Day of Work
Ask your employer these six questions on your First Day of Work! Whether your heart is pumping with excitement or anxiety, you probably have a million questions racing through your head on your first day of work. We have all been there before! You want to understand how the company operates to contribute a good output or to impress your new boss. Start by organizing your thoughts and planning out the essential questions you need to ask your employer. Consider these six practical questions that you can share as soon as you begin work. #1: WHO DO I REPORT TO ON A DAILY BASIS? If there are different departments and multiple managers, ask your employer about the organizational chart. Know who you report to on a day-to-day basis. This will prevent others from assuming that you are working with them exclusively. #2: WHICH MEETINGS SHOULD I PUT ON MY CALENDAR? Educate yourself about the company’s meeting protocols. Should you meet your manager online or offline? How frequently will the team meet? Depending on the manager, important meetings may occur on a monthly, bi-monthly, or a weekly basis. Ask this question directly to your employer. #3: HOW CAN I SHARE MY IDEAS? Asking this question shows how eager you are to contribute to the workplace. As a new employee, you provide a fresh perspective, so be sure to showcase how valuable you are by sharing innovative ideas with the team. Ask the hiring manager or your employer on how you can share your ideas. #4: WHAT TYPES OF REPORTS DO YOU WANT? Be prepared for manager check-ins and presentations. Do not expect that your new manager wants the same level of information that your previous manager did. Confirm what he or she expects to see from you. #5: WHAT ARE MY PRIORITIES FOR THE FIRST DAY, FIRST WEEK, & FIRST MONTH? Your manager can have your assignments planned out for the entire week or month. Know about this. If your manager takes less initiative, you can take note of the important deadlines to come. At the very least, he or she will see that you are thinking ahead. #6: WHAT ARE MY TASKS FOR THE DAY? It is easier to transition into a new position when you have a clear idea of what your essential daily tasks are. The sooner you ask, the more productive you can be. You can begin to have a better grasp of what management sees as your role by asking this question.